2024 City of Merriam Business Survey

Dear Merriam Business:
The City of Merriam needs your help! As a city, one of our biggest goals is to make sure our businesses always feel like their city government is both open and accessible. Included in that commitment is making sure that we remain focused on the services and priorities that are most important to you. The following survey for our business community will assist us in achieving this commitment.

The city conducts a similar citizen survey every three years to establish benchmarks for our community and track our progress.

The survey data will be compiled and analyzed by ETC Institute, which is one of the nation’s leading firms in the field of local government research. The firm will present the results to the city later this spring, and a complete final report will be available online. Your survey responses are confidential. Previous surveys are available at merriam.org.

Please complete your survey sometime during the next week.

Questions? Please contact Assistant City Administrator Caitlin Gard at the City of Merriam at 913-322-5515 or cgard@merriam.org.

Thank you in advance for your participation!